Professional Translator

Law | Economics | Politics


Thomas Young
French-to-English Translator

Your expert

I am an experienced British translator providing a specialised French-to-English translation service in law, economics and politics. Precision and intelligibility are my guiding principles.

I hail from the United Kingdom, but I have been settled in France since 2010. Back in England, I obtained a bachelor's degree in French and a master's degree in translation. I also took a course in English writing techniques through a British journalism school to hone my writing skills. And in France, I took a short training course in legal translation as part of my specialisation.


Your needs

'What is conceived well is expressed clearly'
Nicolas Boileau (1636–1711)

Getting your legal, economic and political texts translated is, by its nature, a delicate undertaking: the slightest mistake can prove costly. To ensure that such texts are translated reliably, it is vital to call upon the human expertise of a professional translator. Only a translator who specialises in your field can grasp the concepts in your texts with a view to rendering them accurately and intelligibly.

A specialist translator is not just a linguist, but a true consultant. As a specialist, I regularly study law, economics and politics to produce translations that are reliable and intelligible. Furthermore, a specialist translator must have polished writing skills in their target language so that they can convey complex concepts clearly. Through my background and career, I have developed an effective writing style in English.



'Thomas is more than just a good translator: he's quick to react and very reliable. He always respects his deadlines and his work is thorough. I'd highly recommend him!'

Marion Courtot
Communications Officer, Econocom

'Thomas is an excellent writer. He's meticulous and never loses sight of who he's writing for. Those are qualities I really value in a professional translator.'

Carmelo Cancio
Director and Founder, Cancio Communication

'Thomas showed particular talent at condensing technical writing to its essence and he excelled in the precis writing assignments. His writing style was notable for its clarity. He was able to capture the meaning of longer, difficult passages within tight, easy-to-follow sentences.'

Gavin Evans
Journalist and Tutor, London School of Journalism


Thomas Young is a sole trader registered under French business registration number (SIRET) 824 727 937 00032

EU VAT number : FR 70 824 727 937